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Opal E. Pippinger
October 2, 1924 - May 18, 2010

Mrs. Opal Evelyn Pippinger was born on Thursday, October 2, 1924, daughter of the late Walter and Mattie Steven Dobbins. She died on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at St. Bernard

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  1. Darlene McKinney, Trumann, AR says

    Mom,it is so hard to get use to you not being here with me and Freddie misses you too. Just wanted to let you know how much it meant to us that you lived with us that year that we had you. I would not trade it for anything because I got so close to you and it meant so much to me that you shared good times and some bad times with us. I know that God has you in heaven now and you are with Dad, Donald and Richie just to name a few of our loved ones. I know Mrs. Benson was shouting and singing in heaven when you came home. Freddie and I have such precious memories of you that we can only have. Our children and grandchildren also have some precious priceless memories of you. I just wanted you to know that you were the greatest mom to me and that I wish I could have done more to help you when you were so sick. I know I dont have to ever worry about you now cause you will be sick no more. I Love You and you will always be in a special place in my heart.

  2. Rosemarie , says

    I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my father last year so I can understand your pain. Death is never easy to accept which is why it's called an enemy in the Bible at 1 Corinthians 15:26. But Jesus gave us a hope based on the Bible at John 11:25: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life." So, we will be able to see our loved ones again by means of the resurrection. Then we will never have to lose them again. Why can we say that? Because God has promised us this in the Bible at such scriptures as Isaiah 25:8, Isaiah 26:19, and Revelation 21:3-5. Isn't this good news? Please read these scriptures in your own Bible. Sincerely, Rosemarie

  3. Ginny Cole Miller, Jacksonville,Fl. says

    Dear Darlene and family, I didn't know your mother, my loss, she obviously was a good woman. You have lot's of memories, alway's keep them close in your heart. She touched alot of lives in her years on earth. Everyone who knew her is a better person for it.

  4. connie carter, trumann says

    dear darlene and all the family,i was so so sorry to hear of your loss. please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Pam Milligan, Caraway, Arkansas says

    I am sorry for your loss of Mrs Opal, she was a sweet Lady. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May the Lord Bless you all.

  6. shirley mccorkle, marked tree, arkansas says

    leroy i am so sorry to hear about you loseing your sister god be with you allshirley

  7. Tammy Medley Collier, Lake City, AR says

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  8. sandra cragg whitmire, trumann says

    Dear Pippinger family. I was so saddened to hear about you losing your mom. Opal was such a sweet lady and I have wonderful memories of spending time with you all when you lived at McCormick. Your momma could make the best banana pudding ever! Please know I am keeping you close to my heart and in my prayers for strength to endure the pain.I love you all.

  9. Shelby Brooks Durfee, Navarre, FL says

    Opal was such a fun person, I remember her from my younger days and the enjoyment mom had with her.May God Bless the family in their loss.

  10. LINDA(LIVELY)WEST, Memphis,Tenn says

    I knew Mrs.Pippinger when i worked at Salant-Salant she was a very sweet lady and loved by everyone always helpful in every way.Everyone loved her for her greatful ness.May God Bless you all.I know that she has bassed throught those pearly gates and now with her maker. Linda(lively)West

  11. Stan Cragg, Conway, AR says

    What a wonderful soul...our thoughts and prayers are with the family...

  12. Melissa Bandy, Trumann,AR says

    Darlene im so sorry to hear of your loss. May god be with you and your family at a time like this. We will keep you all in our prayers.

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